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Dedicated server hosting for business

Dedicated servers – we offer IT solutions and support for private cloud. We guarantee the isolation of the customer’s IT environment in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

We provide additional IT services: data backup and replication of key servers.

To buy or to rent?

The work of an IT outsourcing company was still relatively simple just a few years ago. After signing the IT support agreement with the customer we carried out an IT audit, a security audit and proposed solutions to support our customer’s business in terms of performance and security. Usually the server was replaced for a newer model, the software was upgraded, the data were backed up and we provided post-implementation IT support. However, cloud-based solutions emerged and removed servers from the local server rooms of the customers. Microsoft 365 can serve as an example here. When deploying Office 365, we don’t need to buy a server because all necessary services are available in the Microsoft cloud: Exchange email system, SharePoint data repository, Teams collaboration tool, etc.

Private cloud for business

But what if a company comes from the financial sector subordinate to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, requires that the IT environment be separated and wants to exercise control over the carriers with its data? The solution is a private cloud and a dedicated server.

Together with Cloud4You Sp. z o.o. we offer IT solutions and support for private cloud. We rent out dedicated servers with an appropriate processor capacity and storage capacity. We install separate network devices (Fortigate) and provide Internet access. We use Supermicro servers. Depending on needs, we deliver cheap dedicated servers intended e.g. for website hosting, as well as best dedicated servers equipped with latest generation high-performance processors and quick SSD NVMe drives.

Location, licences and IT administration

All components of the infrastructure are located in Poland, in Netia’s server rooms. The environment is separated and secure – private cloud service. An additional advantage is the provision of a Microsoft licence in the SPLA system for a dedicated server and the monthly charge is paid only for what we use. The solution is tailored to our customers’ needs but it is possible to increase the number of the rented servers dynamically and to change their parameters depending on the current needs. IT support is an important element. Dedicated server with administration – if our customer needs it, Support Online will give it. The outsourcing company provides IT support for its administrators, 24/7/365 monitoring, helpdesk and IT consulting. Data security is a priority for us, which is why we propose the backup option to our customers. The IT administrator checks on a daily basis whether the backup copy of your data was created and guarantees the possibility of their recovery.

Offline data copy

An additional option required by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority is an offline copy of key data. We make it possible to copy encrypted data to the LTO-8 tape, up to 30 TB per tape (12 TB without compression), which we will deliver to the customer’s seat.

Data security

Our offer includes also preparation of a disaster recovery plan (DRP). In order to ensure the customer’s business continuity, we propose solutions based on server replication using the Hyper-V or VMware technology. If necessary, we suggest a security audit or a full IT audit and ensure technical support when following through post-audit recommendations. Data in a secure colocation, managed by qualified and experienced IT administrators, supervision conditions met, security maintained. You can run your business without any IT obstacles.

We will advise you on selecting the best configuration for your needs: only a few minutes of conversation with a technician about your requirements and they will select a suitable configuration of dedicated servers and design your private cloud.

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