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Privacy policy

Cookies policy

The Support Online website is protected by cookie files. It is perfectly secure to log in the customer area and the information present there is available only to the logged in customer and refers to this customer’s orders. Any changes concerning the security policy will be announced to the public on this page.

What are cookie files?

Cookie files are IT data, in particular text files, stored in the end devices of the users and intended for the use of websites. These files permit recognising the user’s device and displaying the webpage appropriately, adjusted to their individual preferences. Cookies usually contain the name of the webpage from which they originate, the time of their storage in the end device and the unique number.

Why do we use cookie files?

Cookie files are used for adjusting the webpage contents to user preferences and for optimising the website use. These files are used also for creating anonymous aggregated statistics enabling an analysis of the manner of use of webpages, which contributes to the improvement of their structure and contents, at the same time excluding personal identification of the user.

What cookie files do we use?

The website uses two types of cookie files:

  • session cookies, which are temporary files stored in the user’s end device until the user leaves the webpage, logs out, or exits the web browser
  • persistent cookies, which are stored in the user’s end device for the period specified in the parameters of the cookie files or until they are manually deleted by the user

Possibility to define the conditions of storage of cookies or giving access to cookies:

The website user can on their own and at any time change the settings concerning cookie files by defining the conditions of storage of cookie files and giving access to the user’s device to cookie files. Settings can be changed using the settings of the web browser or by configuring the service. These settings may be changed to block automatic handling of cookie files in the web browser settings or to inform about every instance of their setting in the user’s device. Detailed information about the possibilities and manners of handling of cookie files is available in the web browser settings. The user can at any moment delete cookie files using the available functions in the web browser used. However, the limitation of the use of cookie files may affect certain features available on the website.

Personal data

Given the fact that the use of the Services provided by Support Online Sp. z o.o. may involve processing of your personal data, please read the general information clause:

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